• Dramatic Decline: Plummeted by 96% from 360,000 metric tonnes in 2011 to just 13,000 metric tonnes in 2024
  • Impact on Livelihoods: Threatens over 600,000 families major companies like Edgars, Truworths
  • Challenges and Hope: Climate change, poor government policies, and corruption 


Harare- Zimbabwe's cotton output has fallen by a staggering 96% in just 13 years, according to the latest data from the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI).

Output plummeted from 360,000 metric tonnes (MT) in 2011 to a mere 13,000 MT in 2024, “starving local industries and increasing fabric imports,” the report read.

This dramatic decline has not only crippled the cotton sector but has also had a ripple effect on related industries such as textiles and retail, leaving companies like Edgars and Truworths struggling to stay afloat. 

To illustrate the decline and recent trends, let us consider the following production data. In 2010/11, production peaked at 351,000 metric tons; in 2015/16, it dropped to 13,120 metric tons due to severe drought; in 2022/23, it surged to 89.6 million kilograms, generating $29.7 million; and in 2024, projections suggest a drop to 40,000 metric tons due to drought and delayed marketing season.

Cotton is grown by over 300,000 smallholder farmers across the country and is a major source of livelihood for over 600,000 families according to FAO. At one point, when agriculture was at its peak, it was the second-largest foreign currency earner behind tobacco.

Hence, Zimbabwe’s cotton industry remains an integral sub-sector in agricultural development as one of the main cash crop projects in the drier parts of the country, following livestock production.

The crop is strategic in that it provides raw materials for the clothing and textile industry, the food industry (cooking oil), the feed industry (cottonseed cake), and the fibre industry (cotton lint into threads). 

Historical context

Cotton production in Zimbabwe can be traced back to the 19th century when indigenous cotton was grown in what was then Southern Rhodesia. Commercial production began in 1923, and a research station was established in Kadoma in 1925. Over the years, the industry flourished, with several cotton and ginning companies operating in the country.

Some of these companies included Tarafen, Chollima, Farmers’ World, FSI Agricom, Dynamic Cotton, IDAI Modzone, Bartco, Comtex, Insing Investments, Parrogate, Olam Zimbabwe, Cargill, Synthesis, ZESA Enterprises, Cot trade, Arm grain, REA, Copaco, Cottco, Cotpro Fleming, and Recor.

However, by the 2021/22 season, only five large contractors remained in the cotton sub-sector: Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (Cottco), Alliance Ginneries, Southern Cotton Company, ShawashAgri, and Zimbabwe Cotton Consortium. Cottco holds the largest market share at about 85%, operating across the country, while the remaining companies share the remaining 15%. 

What went wrong

This analysis delves into the factors contributing to its challenges, supported by recent data and reports, and explores ongoing efforts to mitigate the decline. Cotton has been a significant cash crop in Zimbabwe, with historical peaks like 350,703 MT in the 2010/11 season.

However, since then, production has sharply declined, reaching a low of 28,598 MT by 2016 and the worst of 13,000 MT in 2024. Government projects to reach 300,000 tons by 2025, reflecting ongoing government efforts to revive the sector.


In the 2022/23 season, production surged by 67% to 89.6 million kilograms, generating $29.7 million, yet challenges persist, with 2024 projections suggesting a drop to 40,000 tons due to drought.

Climate change, particularly droughts and erratic rainfall, has significantly impacted cotton production. A study on cotton farmers' vulnerability in Gokwe District highlighted negative rainfall deviations and increased temperatures, reducing yields. The 2015/16 season saw production drop to 13,120 metric tons due to drought, reflecting the sector's sensitivity to weather.

According to FAO, Zimbabwe's agricultural sector, including cotton, faces recurrent droughts and flooding, with limited irrigation infrastructure exacerbating the issue. This environmental stress traps farmers in a cycle of poverty, with increased pesticide use for pest management adding to costs and health risks. 

Also, Government policies have had a dual impact on the cotton industry. The 2009 legislation to regulate the cotton industry initially boosted production by curbing side sales, with a 28% increase to 265,000 metric tons in 2009/10.


However, inconsistent implementation and economic policies, such as land redistribution, have disrupted commercial farming, with new owners lacking experience and access to credit. The Presidential Inputs Scheme, running for eight seasons by 2023, has supported recovery, providing free inputs and agronomy support, yet side marketing and regulatory oversight remain weak, undermining contract farming. 

Corruption has been a notable barrier, with reports of politicians stockpiling cotton inputs, such as the 2022 arrest of Gokwe Nembudziya legislator Justice Mayor Wadyajena, linked to warehouse stashes. This undermines trust and diverts resources, with farmers falling deeper into poverty despite increased production. The Command Agriculture scandal, though broader, highlights systemic corruption affecting agriculture, with $3 billion unaccounted for. 

Imported textiles, particularly from China, have besieged the local industry, with 95% of textiles in Zimbabwe being imports, reducing demand for local cotton. This competition, alongside second-hand clothing from Europe, has led to the collapse of major textile firms like David Whitehead, Truworths with Edgars struggling to stay afloat affecting employment and value addition.

This has shifted the balance toward the informal sector, with local manufacturers struggling to compete on price and quality. 

Besides that, insufficient investment in modern farming technologies and infrastructure has limited productivity. The World Bank has highlighted  Zimbabwe's need for private sector engagement to capitalise on agricultural value chains, but persistent power outages and lack of maintenance hinder progress.

There is a need for at least $2.5 million to refurbish ginning plants, yet funding remains a challenge. There is limited access to irrigation, with only 124,000 hectares actually irrigated out of a potential 366,000 hectares, affecting cotton yields. 

Another challenge facing the sector is side marketing, where farmers sell to unauthorised buyers for better prices, however, this disrupts contract farming, with reports from 2019 exposing significant recoveries of mis-sold cotton.

This practice, described as a "cancer" by Minister Anxious Masuka in 2025, has led to private contractors scaling down funding, with the government stepping in via schemes like Pfumvudza/Intwasa. The collapse of the Cottco inputs credit scheme due to side marketing has created a downward spiral of low yields and reduced support. 

Is there hope

Despite these challenges, there are signs of revival. The 67% production surge in 2022/23, driven by government schemes, and the launch of the Zimbabwe Fashion Council in 2023 to boost local textiles, indicate efforts to turn around the sector. Sustainable practices, like the Cotton made in Africa initiative, aim to improve quality and market access, while innovations in agritech are being explored to optimize yields.

However, achieving the 2025 target of 300,000 tons will require addressing systemic issues, including climate resilience, corruption, and investment, with ongoing debates around policy effectiveness and farmer support shaping the industry's future. 

Therefore, the decline of Zimbabwe's cotton industry is a complex interplay of environmental, economic, and governance challenges, with climate change, imports, and side marketing at the forefront. While recent surges show potential, sustained recovery depends on robust policy implementation, increased investment, and farmer empowerment, with the 2025 target serving as a benchmark for progress.

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