Harare - Vaya a new kid on the block under blockbuster ZSE listed Econet spinoff Cassava, is moving aggressively into the market. With only two months since its founding, Vaya now has a wide range of products covering taxis, food delivery and has now extended the service to tractors.

In a latest update, EWG group which is the anchor parent of both EWG and Cassava said the company plans to register more than 10 000 tractors where tractor owners will be able to offer their tractors to other farmers using the Vaya Tractor App once they finish tilling their own fields.

“Last week our people at Vaya in Zimbabwe began to onboard tractor owners onto Vaya Tractor. We plan to recruit 10,000 tractors to plough for our 1m Ecofarmer members,” said Econet executive chairman Strive Masiyiwa on his twitter handle.

“Vaya Tractor is part of the vision of ReImagineRural. The hoe is finally headed to the museum!”

The company will leverage its sister company Econet Wireless’ cell phone network, as well as satellite GPA systems to deploy the tractors. They will know exactly where each tractor is located and will be able to deploy them where and when they are needed.

According to Cassava Smartech Zimbabwe CEO, Mr Eddie Chibi, the cost of service will be standardised based on computer modelling done by Vaya engineers, 10 000 tractors could plough and service 1.5 million small holder farmers if deployed efficiently.

He said they are looking at extending Vaya services to other types of agricultural machinery, including transportation.

“We want to add every type of machinery available for agriculture. We are also adding trucks of all sizes to the App within the next 3 months,” Mr Chibi said.

Vaya now operates more than 10 000 cars on its Vaya Lift ride service and is working on many other services including a Car Pool service which will be much cheaper than the current premium service, a van delivery service to help small businesses, as well as an ambulance service.

“We have now stabilised the system and built up our capacity. We are preparing for the new service and that is why you see us advertising for different services. We will soon be able to carry virtually anybody and anything within into and from Zimbabwe,” Mr Chibi said.

Cassava Smartech is a diversified smartech group, with a mandate to use digital solutions to drive socio-economic development, and to improve the overall quality of life for all Africans and is on an expansion drive to bring positive impact particularly to the millions of previously excluded Africans.

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