Rwanda Stock Exchange has unveiled a second securities platform that targets the Small and Medium Enterprise that are in need of access to capital markets.

“With the launch of this market segment, citizens will be able to access opportunities to participate in the success of profitable businesses when they buy shares in those companies and entrepreneurs out there will find an alternative source of financing of their activities.” The country’s Minister Gatete said in a statement on RSE website.

RSE says the securities platform will facilitate the SME sector to have a practical feel and hands on experience of the capital market process to raise money for their growth and expansion.

The exchange has been holding a number of forums to engage with key stakeholders on how the SME sector can be facilitated to access long term funding for their businesses.

Pierre Celestin Rwabukumba, the CEO of RSE notes that the forum will enable SMEs to obtain more technical information on the necessary steps and processes needed for them to access funding through the capital markets.