SUGAR giant, Tongaat Hullets, is seeking bids from companies or individuals with capacity to develop 4 000 hectares of virgin land to boost sugarcane production in the lowveld.

The new ambitious project dubbed ‘Kilimanjaro’, is slated for January 2019 and by March 2020 all the tendered work would have been completed with the production of sugarcane expected by September 2020.

In a statement the company said it plans to increase production tenfold on the back of improved water supply after the commissioning of the 1,8 billion cubic metres Tugwi-Mukosi Dam.

“The company has determined that fair conditions now exist on the back of secure bulk water to accelerate the implementation of the Kilimanjaro project as advertised in 2014,” said Tongaat.

“Interested and qualifying practice parties are invited to tender for category works with key milestone activities being bush clearing and construction of irrigation infrastructure.”

It said the tender details will be availed to interested parties upon payment of tender fees.

“Contractors will be required to choose the categories and blocks they wish to work on in line with their capabilities. ‘‘Contractors are expected to supply and install pressurised irrigation system, 39 centre pivots on various blocks covering 780 hectares. They should also design a semi-portable sprinkler system covering 229 hectares,” said the firm.

Tongaat Hullets, which runs Triangle and Hippo Valley Estates, employs at least 17 000 people at peak and processes in excess of 4,8 million tonnes of sugarcane per year from both farmers (17 000) and own cane (29 000).

The firm produces 640 000 tonnes of sugar per year.

It also has installed factory capacity to produce up to 140 000t of refined white sugar and stock feed.

The company is also into cattle ranching and has 6 000 cattle.