Mozambique currently consumes about 1,000 MW megawatts of energy, a figure expects to rise to 8,000 MW by 2043, when more than 50% of production will be based on natural gas.

By this year, 30% of Mozambicans had secured access to electricity. The government expects 100% access to be achieved by 2043, but this will require a series of investments. The government has elaborated an integrated plan for the energy sector and guarantees that, from 2025, it will be selling energy to Mozal .

“We have made progress with some plants, such as Ressano Garcia, Gigawatt Kuvaninga and the newly inaugurated thermal power plant. There are other associated power generation projects underway, like Temane, which is a partnership between Sasol and EDM,” Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy Augusto Fernando said.

These projects are part of the Integrated Electricity Infrastructure Master Plan approved last week by the Council of Ministers.

Source: O País