Harare - Zimbabwe imported goods from neighbouring South Africa worth US$193.6 million last month, reflecting a 17 percent increase from imports worth US$175. 4 million the same period in 2017, according to the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency trade data released to the State broadcaster, ZBC News.

Despite S164, an instrument which restricts certain goods from entering the country, South Africa continues to dominate trade with Zimbabwe

“While total trade between the two countries since January has reached US$905 million, concern is being raised by the trade deficit which has seen the country consuming more than what it sells to South Africa.

“This is reflected by exports worth US$160.2 million against imports valued at US$193.6 million in September this year.

“For the same period in 2017, Zimbabwe recorded a trade deficit of US$14.2 million, with imports at US$185.4 million against exports of US$171.2 million,”

According to the trade data imports from South Africa included vehicles, groceries, electrical gadgets, toiletries, chemicals, wooden furniture among others whilst exports to South Africa included scrap metal, agricultural produce, beef, minerals and tobacco.

Other notable trading partners for Zimbabwe included Singapore, China, Japan, Zambia, India, United Arab Emirates and Mauritius.

Zimbabwe is currently facing challenges to correct trade imbalances following capital constraints affecting manufacturing companies that have also resulted in the overall balance of payments situation remaining under pressure with foreign exchange availability to support domestic production being also constrained.

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