Foreign direct investment (FDI) is expected to double to US $ 5.7 billion next year, compared to the US$2.8 billion in 2018, according to the draft 2019 State Budget submitted to parliament a few days ago.

According to forecasts, the inflow of foreign capital into the country will be the second-highest figure since 2010. The draft 2019 State Budget, which “O País” has seen, notes that the highest-ever figure was recorded in 2014, when Mozambique absorbed about US$6.1 billion

The new wave of foreign direct investment comes at a time when the country expects to receive billions in oil and gas industry investments, especially Anadarko’s Dolphin Tuna project

The final investment decision on this multinational project, involving amounts of around US$30 billion dollars, is expected to be taken in the first half of 2019.

Source: O País