GOVERNMENT has injected $32 million to facilitate the re-opening of Mashava’s King Mine and Shabanie Mine in Zvishavane, Mines and Mining Development Minister, Winston Chitando, has said.

He said work to recover other minerals besides asbestos was also in progress. The minister told stakeholders during a luncheon hosted by Masvingo Polytechnic on Friday, that the revival of the two asbestos mines operating under Shabanie and Mashaba Mines (SMM) Private Limited, was a reality. He said by the first quarter of 2019 the two mines would be back on their feet. The $32 million would be partly used to finance draining of water from the water-logged shafts and the exercise is set to be complete by November this year.

“It is a reality that Mashava’s King Mine and Shabanie Mine in Zvishavane will work again early next year. We have 49 dumpsites at the two mines, which we can use to extract other minerals apart from asbestos,” said Minister Chitando.

He added that a test run has proved that there were more minerals that can be extracted from the dumpsite and the money realised from their disposal can be used as part of working capital for the two firms.

“The de-watering process at King Mine is in full swing and expected to end by end of November while normal underground operations will resume by the first quarter of 2019. This is after Government injected $32 million into the mine,” said the minister.

“At Shabanie Mine operations are also expected to start at the same time and the reclamation of the dumps has produced manganese, gold, nickel, among others.”

- Chronicle