HARARE- CABS, Zimbabwe’s top mortgage lender said it has reopened 2 of its Harare branches which were undergoing refurbishment in recent months.

CABS is majority controlled by Old Mutual Zimbabwe and has a branch network of 51 fairly spread across the country.

In a statement accompanying its half year results the bank said it continues to exert effort to enhance service delivery to its customers and to improve controls and efficiencies.

The bank stressed further that investments to this effect included ongoing branch refurbishment targeted at improving customer experience, investment in digital networks and customer contact points.

In a reflection of the efforts being channelled towards enhancing customer experience, commissions earned from transactional business went up by 66% to $12.55 million in the half year period to June 2018.

CABS said the reopening of the branches marks a new stage in an ongoing commitment towards improving branch ambience and customer experience.

“The new branches now offer improved service delivery through their open branch network, new high tech and high touch experience” the bank said in a notice to its customers.

The broader banking sector has gone on an overdrive to improve customer experience through delivery channels and this has been pursued mainly through digitalisation.

In his presentation of the group’s financial performance at half year, OM CE Jonas Mshosho said the group has managed to set up and resource an integrated customer contact centre as well as facilitating banking activities outside of the banking hall.

- Equity Axis News