Kenya has the highest rate of web traffic generated from mobile devices as of January 2018 according to data from market research portal statista. Ranking first with 83 per cent, Kenya was ahead of Nigeria (81 per cent), India (79 per cent), China (61 per cent), and Poland (59 per cent). Kenya’s rate of webpage views is higher than the global average of 52.2 per cent. The high ranking for Kenya could be attributed to the high level of mobile phone penetration which is at 88 per cent according to the Communications Authority of Kenya. In Africa, there are 960 million mobile subscriptions according to a trend report by Jumia. Globally, mobile phone web traffic has grown from 0.7 per cent in 2009 to 52.2 per cent in 2018. Asia and Africa have high rates of mobile phone web traffic at 65.1 per cent and 59.5 per cent respectively.

Mobile Web Traffic by Continent

As of April 2018, Africa ranked second in the world in terms of mobile internet traffic as a percentage of total web traffic. At 63.88 per cent, Africa was above the global average of 51.2 per cent while North America, Oceania, Europe, and South America were below this average at 39.56 per cent, 38.97 per cent, 37.39 per cent, 33.51 per cent respectively. Global mobile data traffic is expected to grow to 49 exabytes per month in 2021 from 17 exabytes in 2018.