So far this year, the Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) has collected revenue of about 142.3 billion meticais (2.36 billion US dollars, at current exchange rates).

This is about 64 per cent of the target for 2018 of 222.8 billion meticais. For the period in question, the amount raised is slightly higher than the target (100.23 per cent). This might mean that the target itself is too low, since in 2017, by this time of year, the AT had collected almost 107 per cent of the target.

Maputo City accounts for 60 per cent of the AT’s entire target. In Maputo, the AT collected 89 billion meticais – which is 104 per cent of the target of 85.5 billion.

These figures were revealed at a meeting of the AT’s Higher Tax Council held in Lichinga, capital of the northern province of Niassa.

The meeting praised those AT provincial delegations which have exceeded their targets. In addition to Maputo City, there are four of these – Zambezia (113 per cent), Nampula (112.9 per cent), Niassa (109 per cent), and Sofala (101 per cent). “These honourable mentions result from recognition of the effort that the delegations have made to collect revenue to finance public expenditure, despite all the adversities they face”, the AT chairperson, Amelia Nakhare, told a press conference.

The meeting also discussed the matrix of priorities that will be taken to a forthcoming National Planning Meeting.

Source: AIM