Mozambican exports generated about US$1.1 billion in the first three months of this year, an increase of 19.7 percent over the same period last year.

The Economic Environment report published June by the National Institute of Statistics in June reveals India as the country’s largest customer in this period, absorbing 30.36 percent of exports. The Asian country imported coke, semi-coke and coal from Mozambique.

South Africa comes second, importing energy, oil gas, aluminium and bananas from the country. After South Africa come China, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates.

First quarter imports rose 6 percent over last year’s figure, absorbing US$1.5 billion. South Africa was Mozambique’s largest supplier in this period, with Mozambique importing products such as iron bars, corn, tractors and organic agents.

The next-largest source of imports is China, which sold Mozambique products such as cell-phones, rice and tires.

The Netherlands, India and Singapore are prominent among other suppliers, selling medicines, automobiles and electrical supplies.

Source: O País/ COM