The first exploration programme undertaken by Botswana Diamonds’ geologists at the Sunland Minerals joint venture (JV), in Botswana, has revealed “encouraging quantities” of kimberlitic indicator minerals (KIMs) identified at all eight anomalies sampled.

A total of 267 KIMs were discovered, including 41 garnets, 13 chromites, 139 ilmenites, four chrome diopsides and 70 olivines.

“We are pleased by this rare occurrence for three reasons. Firstly, the abundance of a variety of kimberlitic minerals; secondly, the presence of olivines and chrome diopsides, which are minerals which do not travel far in the weathering environment; and, finally, the surface texture work indicates a local source.

“Our next step is to analyse the diamond bearing capacity before we proceed to plan for a drilling campaign,” Botswana Diamonds chairperson John Teeling commented on Wednesday.

Sunland Minerals is a JV between Botswana Diamonds, which became the operator early this year, and Russian diamond miner Alrosa.

- Mining Weekly