Electricity of Mozambique (EDM) has suspended power supply to Zambian ZESCO following a debt of USD 70 million (EUR 60.5 million).

ZESCO’s debt to EDM is currently being addressed by the governments of Mozambique and Zambia.

Due to non-compliance by the Zambian power company, EDM suspended the supply of 111 megawatts generated by the Floating Thermoelectric Power Plant of Nacala, from the Ressano Garcia Thermal Power Plant and Gigawatt Mozambique.

Late last year, EDM’s chairman, Mateus Magala, said customers owe the company about USD 100 million (EUR 86 million).

At the time, Mateus Magala indicated that Zambia was EDM’s largest debtor, but did not quantify the amount of debt.

Source: Lusa