Equity Axis

The mainstream index continued with its rally as it gained a 1.08% to 220.25 from the prior session. The mining index however edged lower after sailing stable for 7 consecutive sessions easing 5.23% to 70.17.

Equity Axis

48 counters out of the total 59 active counters have risen since the beginning of the year. In today’s session 21 counters  exchanged hands in the session with 11 rising and 3 closing in the red. OK was the top riser with an upsurge of 12.07% to 13c.

Padenga which featured among the top risers in yesterday’s session maintained rallying mode, gaining 8.57% to 38c in today’s session. ZPI likewise went up by 7.14% after the company recently reported a 9% growth in operating profit  driven by a decline of 23% in administration costs.

Simbisa which extended its caution and Ariston added 5.74%  and 5.56% to 35c and 0.95c respectively.

FBCH went up by 0.64% to 14.15c  after reporting an increase in PAT of 3% to $9.6m in the first half of 2017. The bank’s marginally tapered off while non interest income took a northward swing. The bank expects interest income to remain under pressure going into the full year.

Bindura weighed down the mining index on easing by 16.39% to 2.50c.Willdale and Barclays were part of the losers after shedding off 2.44% and 0.28% to 0.40c and 3.61c respectively.

Total turnover went down by 495 to $0.32m from the prior session. Delta , Seedco, Ariston, Willdale and Econet were the top value contributors in the session. The total number of shares exchanged in the session were 8.7 million.