Revenue for the year increased 8% to R21.347 billion (2017: R19.763 billion), profit from operating activities jumped 22.4% to R3.732 billion (2017: R3.048 billion), profit attributable to equity holders of parent surged 22.9% to R2.781 billion (2017: R2.263 billion), while headline earnings per share grew 20.7% to 1 100.1 cents per share (2017: 911.4 cents per share).

Dividend A final gross cash dividend of 414.10 cents per share has been declared for the 52 weeks ended 31 March 2018.

Committee changes Further to the announcement on 7 May 2018 of the retirement by rotation of Myles Ruck at the August 2018 AGM, Mark Bowman was appointed as a member of the Group's Remuneration and Nominations committee on 29 May 2018. Marks appointment will ensure the smooth transition into his position as chair of Remnomco following Myles retirement.