Total income for the interim period lowered to R578.0 millionb (R592.7 million). profit from operations decreased to R102.4 million (R112.9 million). Profit attribuatble to equity holders almost halved to R46.2 million (R84.7 million). In addition, headline earnings per share dipped to 157.95 cents per share (271.42 cents per share).

Interim preference share cash dividend The Directors have declared a gross cash preference dividend number 27 of 427.42 cents per share (436.68 cents per share) ("preference dividend") for the period 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017.

Interim ordianary share cash dividend The Directors have declared an interim ordinary share cash dividend for the period ended 31 December 2017 of 46.894 cents (80.004 cents) per share.

Company prospects Although the South African economy remains weak, the renewed confidence - particularly in the business and investor community - bodes well for the country and Sasfin. We expect trading conditions to remain challenging for the second half of the financial year but we are encouraged by the political situation and are hopeful that the credit environment will improve.

We believe that our strong balance sheet, good brand and diversified product offering, together with the investment we are making in human capital and technology, will position Sasfin well in the medium term. We expect that these efforts, together with our renewed focus on revenue growth, active management of our credit portfolio and cost management will result in long-term shareholder value creation.

During the past six months Sasfin has further implemented a number of key initiatives aimed at strengthening the business's human capital, enhancing infrastructure and to aid in achieving Sasfin's transformation objectives. Some of these initiatives include: * Women Investment Portfolio Holdings Ltd. (WIPHOLD) becoming a 25.1% shareholder which, together with other initiatives focused on sustainable and meaningful transformation, resulted in an improved BEE score for the Group; * Changes to our Board through the appointment of Gloria Serobe, Gugu Mtetwa, Gugu Dingaan, Shaun Rosenthal (as an Alternate Director) and Richard Buchholz as Non- Executive Directors; * Enhancing our executive leadership with a number of key appointments including the appointment of Michael Sassoon as Group Chief Executive Officer and Angela Pillay as Group Financial Director; and * Increased investment in innovation and digitisation with a view to improving the client experience.

- Reuters