Tanzania’s Energy ministry, Monday revoked the licenses of 13 mining companies located inside the Lake Manyara National Reserve, as a way of protecting it from drying up.The reserve has several minerals including Alexindarite, Emerold and Cristarbel which are among the most expensive in the world.

The decision was reached by 15 permanent secretaries from different ministries in the country, who toured the reserve and witnessed how it was being destroyed by mining activities which they fear could cause the lake to dry up.

Ministry of Minerals permanent secretary Saimon Msajira said that they have revoked 13 licenses that had been issued for mining in the area.

“The law is quite clear that any part of the country that has been identified as a national reserve, human activities should not take place,” he said.

He warned that investors whose operating machines are still at the reserve ought to remove them as soon as possible.

The permanent secretary at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Major General Gaudence Milanzi said that the mining activities have greatly degraded the area and brought great damage to the animals found at the reserve, making the lake muddy in the process.

“We have to act fast by ensuring the law is adhered to and prevent any mining activities from taking place in the area and other national reserves,” he said.

Tanzania National Parks (Tanapa) director general Mr Allan Kijazi said that the mining activities have brought havoc to the place.

He said due to the activities, there are large holes that prevent animals from passing through the reserve.

However one of the owners of the mines located at the reserve, Jumanne Shaban said that he has a legal license to operate the mine that was issued by the Mines ministry and was not sure why they have been ordered to leave with immediate effect.

“The mining activities started 40 years ago and my company Ninga&partiner has been mining for several years now, if they have banned the activities they should do so with an official letter, he said.