Kenya’s February inflation rate recorded at 4.46 percent, its lowest point since May 2013. This was a drop compared to January when it was at 4.83 percent, according to data from the Kenya Bureau of Statistics.

Between January and February 2018, Food and Non-Alcoholic Drinks’ Index increased by 2.22 per cent which was higher than the 1.69 per cent recorded between December 2017 and January 2018.

This was mainly due to increases in prices of some foodstuffs as a result of drought conditions currently being experienced in some parts of the country. The year on year food inflation however, decreased from 4.71 per cent in January 2018 to 3.83 per cent in February 2018.

Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels’ Index, increased by 0.41 per cent in January 2018 compared to February 2018 mainly attributed to small increases in prices of house rents and cooking fuels.

-Kenyan Wallstreet