President Jacob Zuma has resigned with immediate effect after being recalled by the ANC National Executive Committee on Tuesday.

Zuma becomes the second head of state to resign after being recalled by the ANC since 1994. His predecessor, Thabo Mbeki, also resigned as president in 2008 after his defeat at the 52nd ANC National Conference in Polokwane on December 2007. Mbeki was also recalled by the ANC’s top leadership structure.

Zuma said the ANC should not be divided in his name, which influenced his decision to resign as president.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to be appointed as acting president of South Africa – an appointment to be affirmed by Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng. The appointment of a deputy president to replace Ramaphosa is yet to be announced.

Zuma resigned in a television address on Wednesday evening at 10.34pm – an hour before his deadline to do so – after the ANC indicated that it would initiate a motion of no confidence against him in Parliament on Thursday. “I have come to the decision to resign as president of the republic with immediate effect even though I disagree with the decision of the leadership of my organisation. I have always been a disciplined member of the organisation,” he said.

Zuma’s resignation ends his more than eight years in power and a tenure rocked by a slew of corruption scandals and his survival of more than five motion of confidences levelled against him by opposition parties.

If Zuma didn’t resign, he would have faced a motion of no-confidence that is sponsored by the ANC and opposition parties including the Economic Freedom Fighters, which was set to take place on Thursday. The motion of no-confidence would have been historic as the ANC and opposition parties would be acting in unison.

Zuma reiterated in his speech that he does not agree with the ANC’s decision to recall him, as he believes that he should have been removed in a constitutional manner. “I fear no motion of no confidence or impeachment, as they are the lawful mechanisms for the people of this beautiful country to remove their president,” Zuma said.

Zuma maintained that he still does not know the reasons that justified his recall from the ANC. Although the ANC welcomed his resignation, the party’s deputy secretary general Jessie Duarte said its decision to recall Zuma came “after exhaustive actions.”

Duarte said the ANC leadership will make an effort to discuss in detail with Zuma about the reasons for his recall. “We will discuss with him what we believe are the issues…We have to give him a report back directly,” she said.

The resignation follows nearly two weeks of uncertainty over Zuma’s fate as he was locked in negotiations with Ramaphosa. In an interview with the SABC on Wednesday afternoon, Zuma remained defiant and refused to resign after being asked by the ANC’s top leadership structure.

The rand strengthened after the ANC gave Zuma a deadline to resign or face a motion of no confidence – an ultimatum in response to his defiance. The local unit strengthened by nearly 2% from intra-day highs of R11.91 to R11.72 after Zuma resigned.
